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Short Bio

Lindy Jacobs writes contemporary romance where the possibility of second chances exists. She is a professional speaker, writing workshop teacher, and has written storyline for television. A frequent Bible study teacher, Lindy served as the director of the Oregon Christian Writers (OCW) Summer Conference for 12 years. Originally from Kansas, she and her husband live in the beautiful high desert of Central Oregon.

Long Bio

Lindy Jacobs writes contemporary romance where the possibility of second chances exists.  She grew up in a large family of storytellers, but it wasn’t until her eighth grade English teacher wrote in the margin of her essay, “You should be a writer!” that the dream of being a writer began. She studied art and literature in college, acted in television commercials in New York and Los Angeles, and eventually made her way to writing through the UCLA Writing Program. She is a professional speaker, writing workshop teacher, and has written storyline for television. A frequent Bible study teacher, Lindy served as the director of the Oregon Christian Writers (OCW) Summer Conference for 12 years. Originally from Kansas, Lindy and her husband make their home in the beautiful high desert of Central Oregon.

Why I Write

My parents took my brothers and sisters, all eight of us, to church every Sunday, no matter what! With pastors and teachers on both sides of a large extended family, my childhood was steeped in the Bible. Growing up in Oklahoma and Kansas, I was influenced by the powerful oratory of revivals, the oral histories of my parents and grandparents—even the stories woven into the country western songs my father sang to us as we drove across country to visit relatives. As for romance, my dad would hear a song on the radio, take the potato peeler from my mother’s hand, and dance her across the kitchen.

As I grew up, I fell in love with the classics, including the works of Jane Austen, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Charlotte Bronte. My favorites films are The Philadelphia Story (1940), You’ve Got Mail, and Sleepless in Seattle.

I’m inspired to write stories that mirror God’s unending grace to us. Now more than ever, we need stories that remind us that love can last forever. 



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